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Trading stocks, options, and other financial instruments involves substantial risk and may not be suitable for all investors. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Please consider your investment objectives, financial situation, and risk tolerance before trading. Seek advice from a licensed financial advisor if needed. We do not guarantee any profits or provide investment advice. All information on this website is for educational purposes only.
Trading stocks, options, and other financial instruments involves substantial risk and may not be suitable for all investors. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Please consider your investment objectives, financial situation, and risk tolerance before trading. Seek advice from a licensed financial advisor if needed. We do not guarantee any profits or provide investment advice. All information on this website is for educational purposes only.
Trading stocks, options, and other financial instruments involves substantial risk and may not be suitable for all investors. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Please consider your investment objectives, financial situation, and risk tolerance before trading. Seek advice from a licensed financial advisor if needed. We do not guarantee any profits or provide investment advice. All information on this website is for educational purposes only.
Trading stocks, options, and other financial instruments involves substantial risk and may not be suitable for all investors. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Please consider your investment objectives, financial situation, and risk tolerance before trading. Seek advice from a licensed financial advisor if needed. We do not guarantee any profits or provide investment advice. All information on this website is for educational purposes only.

HNI Index Option Packages

Starter Plan
Price:  1,55,000
  Validity: 1 Month Validity
  • Receive two to three research alerts each day via WhatsApp and broadcast
  • Receive one to two daily research alerts for Banknifty/Nifty bank options
  • Receive weekly one to two research alerts on Finnifty, Mid-cap Nifty & Sensex
  • Receive BTST/STBT trade research alerts
  • Receive one or two exclusive commodity research alerts every week
  • Receive expiry special research alerts on all weekly expiries
  • Get expertly researched targets and stop-loss levels with every research alert
  • Get proper live market executive support
  • Global market & economy trend data update
  • Trending stocks, RBI announcement, IIP & CPI updates
  • Accuracy up to 85%
Pro Plan
Price:  3,41,750
  Validity: 3 Month Validity
  • Receive three to four research alerts each day via WhatsApp and broadcast
  • Receive three to four daily research alerts for Banknifty/Nifty bank options
  • Receive weekly three to four research alerts on Finnifty, Mid-cap Nifty & Sensex
  • Receive BTST/STBT trade research alerts
  • Receive three or four exclusive commodity research alerts every week
  • Receive expiry special research alerts on all weekly expiries
  • Get expertly researched targets and stop-loss levels with every research alert
  • Get proper live market executive support
  • Global market & economy trend data update
  • Trending stocks, RBI announcement, IIP & CPI updates
  • Accuracy up to 85%
Master Plan
Price:  6,83,500
  Validity: 6 Month Validity
  • Receive four to five research alerts each day via WhatsApp and broadcast
  • Receive four to five daily research alerts for Banknifty/Nifty bank options
  • Receive weekly four to five research alerts on Finnifty, Mid-cap Nifty & Sensex
  • Receive BTST/STBT trade research alerts
  • Receive four or five exclusive commodity research alerts every week
  • Receive expiry special research alerts on all weekly expiries
  • Get expertly researched targets and stop-loss levels with every research alert
  • Get proper live market executive support
  • Global market & economy trend data update
  • Trending stocks, RBI announcement, IIP & CPI updates
  • Accuracy up to 85%